Hiya and Hello Smart, Passionate Woman, and Hello To The Man Who Loves Her,

I'm SOOO happy you're interested in getting even smarter than you already are.

Because if you’re here, all your precious insight and smarts aren’t getting you the delicious love-making, connection, care, support, and understanding you very much desire.

I so deeply understand!

You're brilliant. Smart. Intelligent. Powerful and Passionate.

And you want that amazing partnership; healed, healthy, happy, holy, and smoldering hot!

You’re ready for the soul-level love, sex, and connection to work in flow with your relationship thoughts, smarts, and ideas…

And yet, your brightest insights and ideas of how a partnership should or could be for you and you both…that you intensely want right now,

Aren't translating.

Why Isn’t It Working?

You’re not having it. Not for lack of intelligence, not for lack of trying.

Maybe something just isn’t clicking. But what is IT?

You’re hodgepodge doing it on your own with great effort, journaling, and attending a euphoric weekend workshop that got you hot with possibility.

But nothing lasted!

And Here’s What’s Happening Instead…

Then there’s the mental debating, heated analysis, and reactive sparring.

There's checking out, addiction on any scale or kind, going numb or trying to people, please.

There's trying to fix it by figuring it out, affirmations, and vision boards.

It's been super hard, not fun, and disconnected.

And you still persevered….

You’ve tried it all!

Here Is The Biggest Reason Why Those Methods Have Failed You...

The thing is, your intellect (and its’ brilliance) can't see what you can't see on the heart and body level. It is intangible to your perceptive lenses what the true root of the conflict is, and how to resolve it so you can have the soul-level connection you desire.

That’s part of why it hasn’t worked. (And believe me, I know you’ve tried so hard!)

More so, your insight and brilliance aren’t ALL THE WAY grounded deep into your body and heart.

When it comes to matters of love, these elements RUN the show more than anyone including you are giving credit to. And it’s no one’s fault!

And even more, insight has even been proven to be the weakest link to change…feels good at the moment, and sounds great…

And the truth is it doesn’t work well, or at all until we start with the foundations that live and lie in the body and heart.

And then there was the spiritual ceremony that was euphoric, great at the moment, and it seemed like you had finally landed on the golden elixir and promised land of soul-level true love, you thought…

And also, you found your endpoint with do-it-yourself relationship mastery books. Things get transformed in healing relationships!

How about the coach who promised you they had the ‘codes’ and secrets to elevate your partnership but didn’t know what makes insight stick, into the day-to-day of real partnership?

But it didn’t last very long, because it wasn’t sustainable. Because it wasn’t woven into your body and heart.

And you had some rounds with chit-chat therapy, but you never really broke THROUGH, because counseling IS mostly all talk and very little of anything else of the things you actually need to make a relationship work and work well.

And you still persevered….

You’ve tried it all!

With uncanny, laser-like precision, I can;

  • See, feel, perceive and acutely help you pull out the exact thorn.
  • The one you can't see, can’t touch,
  • The one thorn that’s unique to your partnership, specific to your circumstances and history, THAT thing that's stopping you from having everything you desire.
  • With ease, joy, and a relieving exhale finally. You’ll be in deep, jaw-dropping, awe, like hundreds of my clients, have, with how profoundly simple this transformation can be.

    Look, you’ve probably been down the route of mainstream counseling and therapy. And if that had worked fully, you wouldn’t be here, right?

    And the reason it hasn’t worked is because most therapies are talk only, and chit-chat around the issue. We’re different around here and make it very safe to drop deeply inside of the obstacles where they live in the foundational roots of being a human that controls everything - the body, heart, and nervous system. And we bring in the mind, sexuality, and soul AFTER this foundation is embodied.

    My clients tell me that they search specifically for this.. And I’m the only one who is doing this IN this kind of format anywhere.

    And Here’s The Thing…

    Truth be told most counseling works from the head down, hoping that if people have enough insight, it will trickle down.

    It doesn’t work that way because insight is the weakest link to change.

    BUT, what if you could build your partnership with a seasoned expert, and create your desired love, intimacy, love-making, and connection from the ground of your being upwards? From the foundations of your body, woven into your emotions, your words with each other, how you think and act with each other?

    You wouldn’t build a skyscraper from the top down, so why would you build a love for the ages that way either?

    Now Here’s The Answer…

    With great excitement, I welcome you to,

    The Relationship Revival Experience Retreat

    where you WILL...

    Rapidly Transform Your Relationship From Conflict To Soul-Level Connection Without Years Of Endless Chit-Chat Therapy

    This is the experience where you WILL recode your burning love-making, intimacy, and love desires into next-level reality!

    Expert share from Alison Greene-Barton, a Psycho/Spiritual Therapist specializing in early trauma wounding and how it affects connection; has to say about how Joanna’s work helps you have a clear path to true love, sacred sexuality, and soul-centered partnership.

    Joanna Intara is a passionate, fiery woman, who in her search for deep healing has unlocked a clear path to true love, source energy, sacred sexuality, and soul-centered partnership.
    Joanna holds a safe space that helps you to unwind your earliest trauma and imprints so your essence embodies, your love flows, your pleasure wakes up and your sensual, sexual, creative spirit comes alive.
    Her compassion, integrity, and skillful precision help you soften your defenses and let go of unnecessary resistance. Her empathy is well-earned and supports you to feel that you have an ally in your experience of intimacy with yourself and your partner.
    About Joanna

    What Is It?

    This is a:

  • one-of-a-kind, Two-Day Immersion Experience (in-person at a luxury healing space or online on Zoom, in the travel-free. comfort and privacy of your own home).
  • This is where smart couples get on with the wonderful business of HAVING a successful, soulful, sustainable, and sexy partnership.
  • An immersive experience is just the way to do it because of the intimacy it creates by being together for a dropped-in, luxurious amount of time, all at once, which gives you back so, much more.

    You will experience the quintessential healing medicine of momentum from such a deep dive.

    And the disconnected places will drink in the missing and elusive support they have been requiring to have the soul-level partnership that has been trying to get born through the conflicts.

    You’ll feel breathlessly excited at many moments during our healing and emotionally intimate time together.

    This series of interventions,catapults forward rapid healing power in all the disconnects, hurts, injuries, stuck places, communication issues, and misunderstandings.

    And these must be released in order to upgrade and FINALLY have your next-level love!

    And, you're smart enough and honest enough to know that while you hold the mantle in YOUR area of expertise, what creates a sexy, soulful, and scintillating partnership that is sustainable and smooth ISN'T here in your partnership.

    No more worrying or stressing about it. This is where I come in.

    Fortunately, this expertise delivered exactly in this format IS my lifetime work of genius AND refined brilliance.

    And I'm going to help you put an end to the conflicts and challenges you're experiencing with an approach that’s revolutionary and unheard of in most therapies, counseling, and coaching containers.

    This body and heart piece the way we do it here, with the creativity of mind and spirit/soul is EXACTLY why it does work! You'll be experiencing the flow-through effect of it through all parts of your life for years to come.

    Here’s what’s in store for you/you both:

  • A one-of-a-kind curated healing experience just for you, your partner, and/or you both drawn from over 36,000 client hours of experience.
    I know what works and what doesn't for different types of couples and common conflict patterns that all couples share.
    And, there’s no sharing of my attention in a group. All for you. All focused on you both. Uninterrupted.
  • You’ll receive my expertise as a master of resolving even the most vexing and irritating of relationship challenges.
  • You’ll also receive my trauma and relationship development expertise, especially in partnerships.
  • You’ll receive mastery level accessing and harnessing of your deepest desires, in love-making, connection, understanding, and in love.
    And, you’ll find out how to non-conceptually allow the power and passion of these desires to purify ANYTHING that is in the way of them coming true. It will be so simple, you’ll scratch your head wondering how it actually happened.
  • You’ll receive expert-level support to reintegrate the new ways of being in a partnership, with your intellect as a fantastic servant, NOT the other way around. And you’ll see, everything else will work better.
  • You’ll significantly uplevel and upgrade the conflicts in your partnership - whether in love-making, intimacy, connection, understanding, care, or in love. Your next level will arrive!
  • You’ll leave embodying a new ability to attend to any conflict places, in a way that brings peace, ease, flow, connection, and more love and intimacy.
  • This experience works really well with smart, intellectually brilliant, passionate people like you who are now ready to actually have the partnership they’re dreaming of and desiring.

    And, who are ready to make power moves to BE that couple who gets to receive it?

    And you should also know, here’s what this experience is NOT!

  • It's NOT more insight, analysis, or talking endlessly about things in circles going nowhere.
  • It's NOT more overthinking, figuring, or intellectual anything.
  • It's NOT more chit-chat counseling, therapy, or coaching.
  • It’s NOT a euphoric hyped-up experience with no real support to hold the changes in your inner world.
  • It's NOT mentally trying to muscle or self-help your way through the conflicts
  • It's NOT telling you what to do and then send you home, unsure, unprepared, and frustrated when the same old problems resurface.
  • It’s NOT worksheets, affirmations, and crossing your fingers hoping it all comes together.
  • It’s NOT hyped-up excitement that fades away quickly because there is nothing grounding it into anything that’s sustainable.
  • It's NOT more lost love and life-force energy because of BS promises and no real shift.
  • And, it’s NOT for you if you’re not ready or unwilling to choose to have what you desire.

    NOT for you right now, if you’re willing to negotiate yourself out of how important this soul-level love and connection is to everything else in your life.

    And NOT for you if you won’t get out of your own way, and leave this to the experts, like me.

    It's not a question of IF you can have it, it's a question of being smart enough to take action to get the expertise that you don't have to dissolve the partnership that isn't working and to birth the one that will…

    I’m pretty sure you’re smart to see this.

    About Joanna…

    Now, you’ll want to know. I’ve been in your shoes.

    The conflict was that no matter how many different counselors, coaches, self-help books, group therapies, spiritual ceremonies, and affirmations we thoroughly tried, we were still not having the partnership we KNEW we were destined for.

    After researching literally hundreds of practitioners doing couples work to help my own marriage through these same pitfalls, and receiving compartmentalized help to put all the pieces together, I created my very own, revolutionary method.

    The approach deeply respects the power of safety, and secure attachment while linking it with healing and harnessing the magical powers of what you both deeply desire INTO being especially in connection, communication, healing, love-making, and understanding.

    And I want every couple, challenged just like you, to have the priceless benefits of delicious love, connection, and intimacy that it brings.

    A Little More About Me…

    If we haven’t met, Hello, I’m Joanna Intara and I’m thrilled (and trusting) that we are connecting here TODAY.

    It’s important that you're here because I know if you've gotten this far, it's likely you're in a partnership that isn't all the connection, care, and closeness that you desire and know is possible.

    And I'm happy to help you transform, just like I've supported over 36,000 hours of clients who have healing to do, connection to deepen into, and new ways of connection, care, communication (and hot love-making) to more easily flow right into.

    After receiving a doozy of intergenerational transmissions on intimacy, vulnerability, communication, understanding, love-making, and connection, I was determined to make my second marriage (after my starter marriage) one for the ages.

    I was smart, but my marriage was plagued by things I just couldn't see, feel or get to no matter how hard I worked or tired.

    One day, I realized what was missing, and finally got the support we needed to thrive.

    Today my greatest joy is the deep ground of intimacy, care, connection, and creativity in all the places that my husband and I get to enjoy because we did the work to open up to it all.

    The gifts keep on giving and weave on through us, our children, our work, our health, our community, and our contributions to society, including sharing this forever-shifting partnership work with you.

    You’ll get to have all this as well. It's yours to finally claim and I hope you do that now because I know the undeniable riches this brings.

    Here’s to starting that journey.

    Imagine What Your Life Would Be Like If You Had This...

    I want you to visualize with me….(play a little with me, will you?)

    Imagine it is easier than it is now, to have the connection, understanding, and communication you desire.

    Imagine waking up and feeling deliciously and sweetly connected to your partner.

    You lovingly look at them and start noticing all the things you love about them and feel a life-giving warmth rushing through your heart as you start letting yourself be excited at the beautiful (and hot!) love-making you had the night before (and can't wait to have again, soon!)

    Imagine having the caring and heartfelt unconflicted flow your partnership requires.

    It feels like nectar for the soul, medicine for the heart, and deep, long-lasting ease and sweet, secure relief in your body. You exhale a deep 'ahhhhh.. '

    Imagine feeling close, connected, and solid. Challenges and conflicts are now worked out with ease, with care, and with super fun creativity that creates new worlds of opportunity, communication, and connection for you both.

    Imagine being able to safely and securely have the hottest, most smoldering love-making your desire.

    You meet each other with hot unrestrained desire, coursing through your bodies, dancing and languidly loving each other into delight, ecstasy, and blissful pleasure.

    Imagine having the masterful conflict resolution skills innovative partnerships require to prosper and have the overflow drip down through all parts of your life - health, wealth, family, children, work, and future generations.

    You will feel and benefit from the smart work you put in now to have all you desire with your beloved.

    Don’t Just Believe Me Though…

    Sense how it would be to HAVE those worlds BE your reality.

    Client Image

    “She Is A Tour De Force When It Comes To Literally Dissolving The Root Cause Of Your Disconnection, In Love, Sex, And Intimacy.”

    "If your marriage or relationship is in trouble, RUN, do not walk toward the one-of-a kind marriage and relationship healing work with Joanna. We tried so many other things, normal therapy, meditation, law of attraction, online coaching programs and classes, and while we loved each other, we seriously considered ending our marriage. We’ve never met anyone like Joanna who does this work; ...she is a tour de force when it comes to literally dissolving the root cause of your disconnection, in love, sex and intimacy, ...and even though we are both highly intelligent, there are realms of the unseen and unspoken that Joanna has access to that BLEW us away and accelerated our healing, dramatically! Thank God we found her when we did. Her wisdom, compassion and sheer depth of knowing the inside terrain are not common, and she actually made it fun and playful. We are enjoying the sweetness of the soul mate love we always knew we were destined to have, and it’s sustainable at long last. The best investment we ever made for our lives!"
    Client Image

    “We Hardly Ever Have Fights Anymore, We’re Able To Discuss Our Feelings And Any Issues That Come In A Way That Is Constructive, Supportive, And Creative. "

    “We had a good enough relationship but wanted to improve our communication and make our marriage even stronger. We’d both been married before and wanted to make sure we didn’t make the same mistakes. You should know Joanna is a deeply compassionate and acutely insightful guide, able to work with us in a way that helps us understand ourselves and each other on a much deeper level. She gave us the resources that we can use to continue to understand each other and communicate in a way that is very effective. We hardly ever have fights anymore, we’re able to discuss our feelings and any issues that come in a way that is constructive, supportive, and creative. We’re SO grateful for her help and she’s an incredible level of support when you need her. We have a great relationship and are very grateful for our life together and we’re able to face any challenges in a spirit of collaboration. Thank you, Joanna, for helping us develop the amazing resources to have this. We love our peaceful, fun and loving relationship and that we have each grown as individuals and in our relationship together, you are wonderful and we love working with you.”

    Are You Ready For A Soul-Level Love And Connection Of A Lifetime?

    If you're reading this, resonating, no longer able to shove your desires aside, and READY NOW to get smokin’ hot serious about having the sustainable, soul-level love and connection of a lifetime – Let's you and I, or you and your partner and I have a quick chat so I can help you get clear on the path I'd take you through to go from where you are to where you deeply desire to be.

    I’ll hear what’s going on, where you are, and what you’ve tried, and share what I see going on, and the best path to swiftly and sustainably help you get exactly where you dream and desire to be.

    We will go over everything and take the next steps from there.

    A Few More Logistical Details:

  • An immersive Relationship Revival Experience Retreat at a luxury mountain retreat site in majestic Bozeman, Montana (preferred) or on Zoom if you are not available to travel.
  • Ten hours over two days. Your choices of days available are M/T, W/TH, or Fr/Sat. 9:30 am to 2:30 pm on both days, with plenty of time in between for rest, hiking, and exquisite artisanal dining choices in Downtown Bozeman, MT
  • An in-depth pre-immersion questionnaire that covers everything from your history, prior healing efforts, what you desire from each other, what turns you on (and off), satisfaction assessment, betrayal history, negative cycle understanding assessment, attachment questionnaire, and your unique preferences of how you want to be loved, your sexual desires and needs.
    This detail alone activates new neural pathways within each of you and you both.
    This starts to create undeniable illumination and curiosity about things not seen before, and it accelerates your experience and saves time so we can hum in the work together, as opposed to getting to know each other more slowly like regular counseling.
  • Welcome orientation call to help you personally get booked in easily and prepared for your experience.
    Being deeply welcomed creates an openness that allows for all the stuck places to be welcomed and be activated into a healing direction as well.
  • BONUS Luxury upgrades to surprise you depending upon the season! Because every partnership deserves the necessary nourishment of blissful delights. Your unique surprise attuned to you both awaits.

    Bonus #1

    Heart Of The Mountain Renewal Ceremony Ready to let go FULLY of the partnership that isn’t working and birth the one that will. Enter, The Heart Of The Mountain Renewal Ceremony. Where you’ll consciously dissolve the relationship that hasn’t worked and birth and bond into the one that will! That alone helps many couples feel completely reborn.


    The Complete Discover Your Heart: All The Way Course, The Complete Discover Your Heart: All The Way Course, Including the Discover Your Heart Type Quiz, Complete Audio Set, and Gorgeously Designed PDF Workbook.

    Enjoy discovering more about your heart and how it is uniquely designed to love each other into more connection, and closeness and increase sexual hotness and friction.

    Bonus #3

    Heart-Smart Love Codes For Couples. Heart-Smart Love Codes For Couples. Your unique multi-wisdom reading addresses the optimal way to navigate partnership and the inner one as well.
    Shared and individual maps and guidance to navigate connecting, relating, passion, emotions, projections, transformation, expansion, structure, thinking processes, purpose, attraction, emotional IQ, mental IQ, and core wounding.
  • If you’ve got any questions, curiosities, or queries, reach out to me by clicking the button below.

    If you’re serious about having what you desire, schedule a quick call below.

    I'll meet you on the inside, where it all begins.

    To Your Soul-Level Love,

    About Joanna


    Final Words...

    Right now you can get access to one-of-a-kind support that will help you create next-level intimacy and lovemaking. I hope you make the right decision for your partnership!
    Because when it comes to your marriage or partnership, there is nothing more valuable than having it flow and hum optimally to liberate even more love, connection, care, and amazing love-making.
    P.S. Are your life-changing desires for what you want in partnership actually happening? Let’s hop on a quick call to discover, map out, and put into motion how that can happen for you as simply and swiftly as possible.