The problem isn’t that you don’t care about your partnership or marriage.

It’s that you DO, a lot.

But you don’t know how to have this relationship connect and flow in the way that you both need.

And the truth is that many of us only had bad, or not so great examples,

You don’t know how to really talk to each other in the way you’d love,

Or how to keep the fights clean and the sex really hot,

You’ve lost the spark you had, and instead, it’s been replaced with disconnection, doubt, and pain.

The thing I know about you is that you’re still not where you want to be in your relationship.

Conflicts, disconnects, things not quite right, and unresolved traumas can still upset a perfectly good day, even if it’s looking alright to the world outside,

But inside, in the quiet hours of the night, you know.

All kinds of intimacy are not happening on the levels you desire.

Love can feel dim.

Sex, while sometimes can be amazing, is really not where in your heart you know you want to be.

And you know there are pockets of unresolved history there too, just sitting there, in between the fights, the avoidance, the codependency, and the distractions.

And it hurts, all of it.

The disconnection and the unavoidable grisly truth of not doing the work you need to do in your relationship is catching up with you, and now what?

You know you need to do something REALLY different,

Because you feel destined and deeply desire amazing a long-lasting, sustainable love, sex, and intimacy.

You want to repattern any insecurity based conversations,

You want the most profound and blissful lovemaking imaginable.

You want conversations that are easier, and to always feel the deep love of your beloved, growing, and present, even when it isn’t easy,

You want safety and a secure connection, so deep, that it makes anything and everything possible. (because it will)

And you want it to FLOW between you, no matter what comes up, so that you can navigate, with all the connection and overcoming resources you deeply need,

You want your love to last, like epic, lifetime lasting love.

You want it deeply, and you always come back to these truths, but somehow, even after all you’ve done, it’s STILL not here.

And why exactly is that?

Maybe it’s because you keep focusing on logic, but you keep missing what’s in the heart and the body,

Maybe it’s because you treated your issues with a coach who focused on one dimension of your partnership, but you’ve discovered that love led to communication issues, and then those led to trust issues, which lead to trauma issues, (for example),

Maybe you focused on mindfulness, only to discover you were as deeply human as they come, and the mind didn’t help you in the jagged chasm of emotional disconnection, no matter how hard you tried,

Maybe it’s because you read a relationship book, or worked on a couples journal together, but it did nothing to stop the repetition of the same old issues, and felt like a bandaid on a cough,

Maybe the spiritual ceremony was euphoric, but did the results truly integrate and last?

Maybe you just weren’t ready to face the bigger picture of looking at the dance between love and sex, intimacy and communication, and the underlying trauma that affects it all,

Maybe it’s because you never ever really got to the authentic roots of the disconnection itself and what actually causes it,

Maybe it didn’t hurt enough until now, and you finally see what you could lose and you’re ready to learn and embody what it takes to create real and sustainable love, and do it differently,

Maybe it’s time to see, feel and experience that expert nervous system regulation that gets at the roots of your challenges, and can help any relationship resolve and be sustainable in all the blissful ways you truly desire…

And that a truly integrated approach is going to help weave everything together, way better than you could have ever imagined.

Maybe it’s time to see that all this rub of the discomfort and disconnection can reveal the way to something way beyond the plodding along that’s not really going the way you dreamed of.

Couples Reconnection Accelerator

In this popular weekend retreat, you’ll receive,

- The space to drop in and decode, getting precise clarity on the root cause of the disconnection; often past traumas (overwhelming events) or unresolved relationship wounds or injuries. into your relationship and see together what’s really going on with the disconnected places,

- Receiving the connection means to meet them powerfully, so that they don’t activate and chip away at your love.

- Powerful relationship rites to release the things that aren’t working, and to unite in the things that will.

Identifying and healing your negative, repeating relationship cycle and your own unhealed individual bonding patterns that plague your connection.

- The personally curated resources to address the problems wherever they are present - mentally, emotionally, somatically, spiritually, and/or sexually.

- Develop, co-create and curate your unique marriage and relationship healing blueprint.

- Clearing the blocks to deep presence, which is so often missing at the root of all couples issues, so you can both feel met, heard, seen, and deeply gotten.

- Learn how to have secure relating, empathy, and connection, and my relationship trauma expertise

- Reconnecting with your beloved in a way that you have dreamed of, for real.

- Catalyze and actualize love in all the places it’s missing the most.

- Experience powerful cycle breaking of long-standing relationship patterns.

- Learn how to recreate powerful erotic tension, and safely learn how to experience emotional intimacy, and open your heart again.

- Leverage the power of nonverbal communication and movement to release the blocks to love, intimacy and sex.

- Embody compassion, forgiveness, and love for your partner and yourself, so thoroughly, so that you can have the deepest healing in the most needed of places.

- And seal it with a special rite to create sweetness, healing, and love-infusing connection remedy to resolve even the most bitter of heartbreaks.


- One weekend - Friday at 4 pm to 6 pm , Saturday at 10:30 am to 5 pm, and Sunday at 10:30 am to 1:30 pm.

- Private or Group available.

- In-Person or Virtual attendance is possible.

- Payment plans are available.

- For In-Person attendance, proof of vaccination and mask wearing will be required.

- Group In-Person Retreat is limited to 6 couples

Upcoming Private Weekends In-Person:

September 30th to October 2nd, 2022

October 28th to 30th, 2022

November 25th to 27th, 2022

December 23rd to 25th, 2022

Upcoming Group Weekends In-Person:

October 7th to 9th, 2022

November 4th to 6th, 2022

December 2nd to 4th, 2022

December 30th, 2022 to January 1st, 2023


Of course, you CAN do nothing, and then things will remain as they are if they are okay…

But with all care and honesty, are they really?

And more so, are they sustainable for the kind of love relationship, marriage, or partnership to go the whole way?

It’s just us here listening to what you really want...

The price for this offer is a respectable investment, but small compared to…

So much time lost to time-consuming relationship trauma-drama and the stress-burning cycles that don’t resolve the issues, not to mention lost time and focus from many other areas of life.

And then there’s the cost of mental and emotional preoccupation and the taxing heaviness you feel.

Lost joy.

And love.

And sex.

And not having the sustainable secure connection you crave and the space that occupies.

It’s costing abundance monetarily and everywhere else, stress, family, sleep, and health.

And the time this disconnection cycle devours, not to mention the love and goodness in your partnership, potentially splitting up and the expense on all levels that would involve.

And all the lost opportunities to love, and make love, and be in soul-fulfilling intimacy, and connection, in FLOW, in EASE and sustainable connection?

And what IF, you lose your love or have it get injured, even more?

Why would you wait another second?

This is your love life, and from here, this foundation, is where all good things flow from…

I’ll meet you on the inside.