Soul Chats
Conscious Intimacy Soul Chats - Transform Emotional
Disconnection Into Soul-Satisfying Sex, Love and Closeness
Live From Our Snuggle Chair

You fell in love.. true, deep love. You had amazing sex, love, and closeness... and then. It’s never really been quite the same. The love is still there, but something has changed.

"Will it ever get better?

How will we get there?

What do we have to do?

What can we do right NOW to have things be better, easier, lighter?"

What I’m going to share with you flows from love and creativity, borne from my journey of devoted marriage and partnership, and me dreaming up just the thing that’s going to give you ALL these things and even more, so you can have the Soul-Satisfying Sex, Love and Closeness that you feel destined to have.

... even if you still have trauma-healing to do,

… a house full of kids,

… or a host of fears and uncertainties right now.

We’ll help you get on track and aligned with the simple, profound truths of the relationship medicines you both need, once and for all.

I’ve spent almost 30 years in the study of deep, conscious relationships (in my journey and my relationships) so that I can share what not only works but shifts the needle of connection in the right direction. I’m so excited to take you where you want to go, to truly heal, and to transform your relationship and flourish no matter what the circumstances.

I want you to have every morsel of goodness from the journey, and I know you want it for yourself! It is perfect timing, and it’s all accessible, RIGHT here! RIGHT now! Take the transmission of our thriving into your relationship heart and mind, and what you want for yourself and your own journey. Just imagine the possibilities.

And why am I wanting you to have this?

Because I KNOW how to help this happen in a way that's down to earth, straightforward, and fun, in a way that you can easily GET it.

You may be skeptical, burnt out, or just plain exhausted. You may be asking yourself whether it is even worth it to love. Why should you listen to me?

I've worked through these issues in my own partnership of 18 years of blood, sweat, and tears, and wild laughter...and I’ve been doing this work in the trenches for the last 35 years, with over 35,000 hours of direct client contact.

I’ve formulated and packaged an essential sequence that helps couples bring back the soul-satisfying, sexy, exciting, and loving intimacy they previously once enjoyed.

It’s a myth “the honeymoon has to end sometime.” It’s a personal choice and I want to help you build something new from where you are, in as little as 2-3 weeks!. You decide…

You’ll experience a massive shift for the better by accessing the simplest and most direct path to getting the soul-satisfying sex, love, and closeness you desire even if it feels really far away right now.

And I'm opening all this up to you, and giving you a front-row seat, so you can have it too...

Conscious Intimacy Soul Chats - Transform Emotional
Disconnection Into Soul-Satisfying Sex, Love and Closeness
Live From Our Snuggle Chair

You'll get to meet my beloved hubby, my lover, best friend, and partner in crime and life, and father of my children; Noah Intara...

We're sharing from the very inside of our many relationship adventures, exactly how we overcome many of the same things you might be struggling with now.

You'll get to share in the live experience and watch another couple connecting with each other through our sharing and relating, and you’ll receive specific guidance from an expert to support you in creating your ideal relationship; resources that you can use immediately and try on in your own relationship each week. You’ll have us, the techniques, a growth-oriented community, and your own desire to support you to have the relationship you truly want deep down (even if you're in a lot of pain right now).

Each episode focuses on a different issue we’ve resolved related to the areas client’s (and you) have told me that struggle with; how to have soul-satisfying sex, love and closeness, while being parents, running two businesses or big jobs, and navigating family, kids, and life. And we're going to share with you exactly what we did to overcome the challenges you may now be facing, the steps we took, the mindset we needed, the traumas we needed to release, the emotions and feelings we needed to process, and the exact support we needed to successfully get through them to create a thriving, soulful, soul-satisfying sex, love and closeness relationship...

We'll share some of the most powerful secrets we learned in couples therapy, couples groups, and couples immersions and retreats because that is what got us through it. We’ve combined our experience over our almost 17 years of non-stop commitment and healing, therapeutic training, and accessing our intuition, to share with you what worked, where we’d gotten stuck, and how we’ve overcome our challenges, together. It doesn't have to take you nearly as long as it took us.

Why are we doing this? Why are we so willing to open up all of the real and messy parts? Well, because we’re on a mission...

Have you heard it said that if 5% of the population makes a huge shift for the benefit of humanity, then the entire world can shift?

And with our current numbers of 7.5 billion humans.. it only takes 375 million humans.. which is 175 million couples to make a HUGE shift in the evolution of humanity!

Just imagine with me, 175 million being one of them

  • moaning and delighting in a collective, cascading wave of the most liberating orgasms, pleasure, and the soul-satisfying sex they've ever had.
  • feeling the most beautiful, sacred love between them, and this wave of love vibrating out healing energy.. to their families, communities, children, health, work, creative projects, their past injuries.. and into a love-legacy to leave at the end of their lives for all those to come.
  • feeling emotionally and securely attached (95% of the population has insecure attachment in a relationship) and having healing conversations, intimate connections, and feeling close and sweetly connected.

It sets my soul on fire...

Want In?

ONLY happening over HERE at my FB group Sex, Love And Relationship with Joanna Intara, The Intimacy Alchemist.