On Being The Transmission Of Healthy Hot Sex, Love And Intimacy, For You & Your Kids, Even If You Feel You’ve Lost Your Way.

What do you do when you find yourself irritated or annoyed with a pattern that your kids are reflecting back to you?

When they’re pressing on our last good nerve and you’ve been feeling super distant and not connected with your partner?

When you feel upset with them, or wonder why it’s right when you’re trying to relax that they find the perfect way to trigger you and then you’re in chaos, while they’re laughing at the trigger show going on? How do they even know how to do that?

And then, like a true human, you lose your shit!

Aghh.. We’ve all been there.. but the good thing is that you can get out of it and get free, so you can get back to Hot Sex, Love and Closeness and the kids can get the best role modeling from you on how to do that, which is a huge gift you can learn how to give to them which they need and deserve.

I’m thrilled to bring you a super sensitively curated transmission of healing on this weeks podcast with you because this is EXACTLY what we are going to address and I’m going to go inside my own marriage and mess ups, and share a soul touching story about my son, to be open with you on what to do and HOW to:

  • HOW to deal with the struggle of feeling disconnected from your partner especially when your children reflect your patterns back to you.
  • THE # 1 THING you can teach your child as their role models to help them start adult relationship from a COMPLETELY different vantage point and eliminate the challenges that can plague them in the world of adult relationships.
  • How to clean up the childhood wounds that are still healing, or family emotional dysfunction integrated in your relationship, so you can COMMIT to being healthy for you and your kids.
  • The BEST thing to do when you’re worried that your relationship messed up your kid.
  • My SECRET practices to heal the inner parts that are responsible for negative patterns in your partnership, so you can have a Healthy and Rockin’ Hot Sex, Love and Closeness Relationship.

I hope you love this so much.. I want you to have ALL the Hot Sex, Love and Closeness that you need and desire, because it makes life worth LIVING.