The #1 Thing To Do To Heal Injuries And Hurt In Your Relationship.

We’ve been having SO much fun this week going deep into the love medicines that are needed to make you partnership flourish.

I know what it’s like for you, you get into stuff in your relationship and you can become contracted, hurt, wounded, injured, upset, annoyed, irritated, triggered, insecure and more.

It’s not fun feeling those things.. but I’ve got the exact lowdown on this week’s podcast on how I have dealt with every one of those and how to delicately bring in the things I am going to share with you, so you get what you need to grow deeper love in your relationship and flourish in connection, closeness and intimacy.

I’m going to share my very personal (and vulnerable) story of what I’ve been through, and show you how I turned it around into more love than you can imagine.

And you’re going to walk away feeling and knowing exactly what to do to as we discuss;

  • The ONE thing you can do right now to create more healthy emotional connection between you and your partner
  • The THING you don’t want to overlook, especially if there are lingering hurts or pains (no matter how small) that you or your partner still hold somewhere
  • What to DO right now to close the disconnection gaps that are painful and feel loveless.

I absolutely KNOW you’re going to love this.. and it’s only going to help you grow MORE love in all the right places, the hurtin’ places, and all the leftover wounds or injuries that ever felt separate from the awesome love your entire relationship is meant to have.. so you can have even more hot sex, love and closeness.

Check it out.