HOW Your Kids Can Be A Fast Track To Relationship Transformation.

I gotta tell you, when I see parents get frustrated with their kids, I understand.

Somehow the great, mysterious forces of the universe concocted the experience for us to absolutely fall in love with our little humans when they are babies..

…and then hope that’s enough juice in the bank to deal with the immense energy, overwhelm and stress that can come up,

and society does next to nothing to empower and teach us how to handle what to do when we are confronted with disowned patterns or stresses we haven’t dealt with, or even realized.. and now they show up in our kids..

…it’s why we’re going to talk about it in this week’s podcast..

  • because you need to know what to do when stress hits
  • and you’re not loving or are irritated in what you’re seeing in the kids
  •’s getting in the way between you and your partner having the hot sex, love and closeness you desire and deserve

I’m super excited to share this with you.

One of my clients after hearing this said to me…,

“Joanna.. thanks for breaking this down for one ever taught us how to decode the patterns I was seeing in my kids, that were driving us both nuts! Now we have practical strategies that are EASY to apply, and we’re doing it, and getting more freed up to create much more hot sex and it’s been delicious…” – anonymous…

I hope you love it and I know it’s going to serve you well.

You can check it out…