Soul Lessons That Juice Into Hot Sex, Love And Closeness.

You can be confronted with your own issues, and your partners, and over the course of a relationship it can work and grind you.

And over the course of 30 years and 30,000 client hours, I’ve watched partners reckon with the deep reasons they are with their beloveds’- the good, the bad and the ugly.

No matter how it is, it’s always evolving us and if you know how to work it really well then you’ll be able to receive the gold that’s waiting for you in the rub of the issues, personalities and challenges.

This is what we’re jumping into in our podcast this week.

I’m going to share with you my own journey (very personal!) on what I went through with this.. And how it led me to the hot sex, love and closeness I am experiencing today.

And I’ll show you what to do to…

– KNOW how to identify the soul lessons that are coming up for you.

– GET stronger so you can face what’s in front of you and turn it into gold.

– WHAT to do when you need grounding and support. 

And it’s going to be so worth it.. And I know I’m the perfect person to help you access it this week because I have and am still literally walking the path, and yes, walking my talk in relationship as well.

You can trust me…and lean into the layers of support here.. Because you know you want the hot sex, love and closeness you desire, and deserve, and you’re done trying to figure it out alone.  Good.

Can’t wait to hear what you think.. And for you to start getting more of the hot sex, love and closeness you’ve been craving, because you know how to turn soul lessons into relationship gold.

Who’s ready to be a master relationship alchemist and know how to mine for gold in the difficulties – (psst.. This is only going to turn up the volume on the sex, love and closeness you desire and deserve…)

Share with me below.

For me, I’m going to keep surrendering to listening.. So I can hear what’s real and what I need to do to shift my relationship.