How To Turn Up The Closeness & Intimacy Factor In Your Partnership, No Matter How It’s Been So Far.

“I want to have more connection in my marriage,

I want to feel closer,

I want the connection to feel easier, and more intimate.”

I hear this every week, through the complaints, critiques and dissatisfactions that my clients express.

This is SUCH an important topic…because honestly, every couple I know has moments and words like this and it hurts, and chips away at the connection you so deeply desire.

My clients each week share their challenges with this, and because I’m listening to you and am here to serve, I’ve got you covered.

And it’s not that the disconnection happens that is the problem, it’s the NOT ADDRESSING it that creates even more challenges, and often undesired drama.

We ALL have so much going on.. and from my observations, ALL the time as well.

I’ve been dealing with a million things this week…my kids need me, my work is busy, but I never sacrifice on giving energy to cultivating closeness and intimacy in my relationship.

And if you’re wanting closeness, intimacy, and connection, you can’t either.

Help is here. You’re not alone.

…and I KNOW, without ANY doubt that if you step into the rich, deep, and safe containers I hold (whether that’s this podcast episode or my 1:1 work), you will experience the shifts in this area, not only that you deeply desire, but also that you deserve..

So if you’re wondering what ONE thing to DO about you can get the CONNECTION & EMOTIONAL INTIMACY happening in your relationship again, check this out!

You’re going to learn HOW TO:

  • Develop the tools and abilities to turn on and flip the disconnection switch, so you can create wonderful relationships with your partner.
  • Embrace your vulnerability and strengthen your relationship.
  • Find out how the ONE thing you must do to have intimacy with another.
  • How dealing with the challenges that relationships can bring up will help you experience hot sex, love and delicious closeness and intimacy.
  • Find out what helps you create the connection not only that you and your partner desire, but deeply deserve.
  • How cultivating peace inside yourself and with your partner can make your life worth living.
  • Find out how being vulnerable and intimate can help you see new solutions to old problems and can lead to a lot more hot sex and love.
  • How deepening connection filled with closeness, intimacy, transparency and vulnerability can help you create long term relationship.

I guess you could continue to do the workaround with less connection or intimacy, not being as clicked in as it needs to be for Hot Sex, Love and Closeness to get happening….

You could continue to feel alone… but would you be any closer to having the connection and intimacy you desire?

And why would you even CONSIDER it an option, when there are things you can do RIGHT NOW to shift it??

Let your truth about that sink in for a moment..


Feeling something?

Ready to DO something about it right now? Then give yourself the gift of spending just a small amount of time listening to the podcast this week because you deserve it.

Let me know what you think.

Check this out.

Hope you love it as much as I do.