What Is The Power Of A CoRegulated Partnership?

Have you considered what would happen IF your partnership challenges were coregulated instead?

We all have places in a partnership that has micro to macro pockets of disconnection, chaos, conflict, stress, and overwhelm when it comes to connection, love-making, and intimacy.

You have the power though, to have a different experience – a powerful one – learning how to handle those stresses with resources inside your bodies and hearts, together.

Tune into this episode: What Is The Power Of A CoRegulated Partnership?

Key points covered in this episode:

✔️ Identify the power of your mind, and how to use it for what it’s for, not for what it’s not for. Understand the limitations of mind when it comes to navigating the couple’s journey.

✔️Discover how smart, passionate couples can disengage from minds that are too smart for their own good and move into greater connection and happiness.

✔️ Learn about what creates overwhelm for couples, how it gets in the way of intimacy, and how to change it.

✔️ Find out how to start listening to what is inside of your body in overwhelming places. Be open to learning how to do that together.

✔️ Be willing to learn how to listen to where the challenge is actually coming from. Discover resources to have a different experience.

✔️ Identify when you get activated and how to be instead. Learn about regulation and co-regulation.

✔️ Bring resources into the required and desired places, and harvest the power of co-regulation, through care and connection to handle the overwhelm of any stress together.

✔️ Be open to receiving something your mind cannot even conceive of.